Goodbye 2022, You will not be missed.

 Every year I like to look back on everything I have achieved and the memories I have made and this year in 2022 is no different. Personally for myself & my family this year has not been the greatest. It has been full of ill health and a lot of uncertainty, but the most important thing is that we have all made it here to the end together. We have cried, laughed and celebrated together. We are closer than ever and every year I realise family is everything. I would not be here writing this without my wonderful family & boyfriend who has been my absolute rock this year. 

This really has been the year that has changed my life, I look back and feel I have lost part of myself which I am actually looking forward to getting back next year. I am a big believer that January is always a special month & I love new beginning's. 

2023 will bring brighter things for me. It will be a time to change and re-invent myself. Its fair to say that the last few years have been a bit rocky for everyone, so if you are feeling a bit deflated this year you are not alone. 

To end on a positive note I want to put together a small photographic post of all of my best memories from this year month by month.. I hope you enjoy & remember every year is a new year to change if you want to..... Goodbye to 2022 and hello 2023. 


January started extremely positively, with the opening of a new furniture business (here are just a few examples of our table creations) and then a very important person (my mothers) big 60th birthday celebrations, both in January. 

Unfortunately it all went a bit downhill from here... my mother the week after her 60th birthday found out she had stage 4 cancer. She had been feeling quite unwell for some time, but with ono obvious cancer symptoms, we were finally glad to be given a diagnosis but it was also a major shock to the family. So February and March were both very bleak months for us as a family as she had a lot of surgery & chemotherapy to get her better... the next 6 months of our lives were going to be the toughest. 


Although the previous three months had been tough for me (and my family) April saw a little bit of hope and a chance to get a way from what was going on at home. We went to visit Menorca in Spain for my boyfriends 35th birthday. We are extremely lucky as my boyfriends father lives over there, so we try to visit him as much as possible. This was our first trip since Covid & it was exactly what I needed, in such a dark time of my life. 


These three months were quieter months for us spent mostly at home soaking up the glorious weather. We hit a few local beaches and got a lot of use out of our lazy spa!! And who else remembers that 40 degrees two days we had in July? Feels like a distant memory now... We went to Buckingham Palace in September to lay our flowers down for the queens passing- a memory which will last a life time. 


October to December is ALWAYS by far my favourite months of the year. We managed to pack in a lot in these last three months on 2022 including a lovely hotel stay at the Cave club for my birthday (see previous post for more on that), a girls weekend in Paris one of our fav cities in November & of course Christmas in December, which was spent at home this year with my family. Life really has started perking up during these months. 

So there we have it a little photo snippet of my year 2022. Certainly an eventful one, although there has been dark times, we have also been very lucky and managed to sneak in a bit of travel. Next year we will be booking a long haul holiday... but where will we go? let us know what you think? 


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