October||It's my Birthday and I'll Blog if I want to...

Bit of a strange post as we haven't even hit double figure days in September yet- but you know me, I like to keep you in the loop nice and early, (and also to give you a bit of notice to plan my Birthday gifts- I joke). So as of next month I will be turning the grand old age of 26- Boo no longer on the good side of my 20's, and to be honest, I've been so busy living life recently that I really haven't given it much thought. My boyfriend and I have spoken about going on one of our little traditional Birthday trips abroad, but having only just come back from Ibiza & Marbella & trying to save up for November's BIG trip to NYC  I am not sure the funds will stretch. Ideally I would love to go somewhere pretty, and last year we went to Rome and it honestly blew my mind, I don't feel like I am going to find anywhere on the same wavelength as Rome this time round sadly but a girl can dream right? 

 Lately as you are probably, mostly all aware, I haven't been my busy planned self, blog wise. I've shall we say let the blog go a bit. So I am hoping to get some new content out there for you and I thought what better way to kick things off than start with a little birthday post. 

So in celebration of my turning 26 I am going to conduct a one off special Bucket List post of all the places in the world I need to see and I have 26 years to do it in. I hope you are ready for one EPIC birthday list coming your way next month!!! 


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