Monthly Round Up||December

So this is it guys! The final month of 2016 is over :( and wow what a whirlwind of a year it has been for us all! Personally it has been quite a good year for myself- no major events have happened for me in my life this year, its been pretty uneventful, I have managed to accomplish a few things which have made me very proud and I am hoping to be able to continue these things in the near year, but this isn't going to be your normal round up post, that you are used to (I'm saving that for the big end of year round up post on NYE). This post in fact, is going to be dedicated to all the things I didn't quite manage to get through, and so I would like to start the new year with a list of personal goals to work towards here they are below. 

Goals for next year 

Everyone usually makes their 'new year resolutions' towards the end of this month, and I thought I too would jump on this bandwagon. I have written a very big post (which will be scheduled to be posted on new years eve) all about my hopes for my career and the two blogs I currently have which you will have to wait and read all about, so this little end paragraph is going to be dedicated to me and my personal life instead. 

Here is a little list of things I am hoping to achieve in my life as of next year ( of course i know they cannot all happen at once, but it is nice to feel like you have a bit of a plan going on hey?)  

1. Sort out a proper diet, healthy eating & exercise plan. 

Photo Credit: Pinterest
I have been so awful lately, and have completely given up trying to loose that little bit of extra winter weight. I usually come up with the same old excuses, works stressing me out, its cold- you know the usual ones we all come up with, but next year this is going to be TOP of my list of things I want to achieve. I may even do the whole cliche New Year thing, and join a gym on the 1st of Jan (and probably cancel my membership by the 1st of feb, we shall see- watch this space!)  Thinking I may have to rejoin Pinterest and see what healthy recipes they have on there for me to follow... 

2. Learn how to cook (ANYTHING) 

Photo Credit: 'In search of a good book'
This one sort of ties in with number 1 actually, in that I want to start a healthy eating plan. I see them in the magazines, I read about them on all of your amazing blogs, but the one thing that stops me from following you all is I CANT COOK! Its not even that I haven't tried- I have! I just cannot seem to make anything remotely nice tasting. So as I am moving out of my family home, and eeeek into a new home with a boy (who funnily enough cannot cook either) I guess I am going to have to start learning... who wants to teach me? 

3. Make more time for friends & family

Photo Credit: '1000 tattoo ideas'

I say this one every year, and every year I beat myself up over the fact that I don't schedule enough time for my loved ones. Of course they understand and don't judge me too much, but I still hate the fact that life gets in the way sometimes. Next year I am hoping to see my family and friends more, I am hoping for more family celebrations and more gatherings because it is true what they say you have nothing if you don't have family or friends. 

4. Travel more/ Get excited about Travel again 

Photo Credit: four seasons
Back in 2012 when I started up this Travel blog, I had only ever been on one long haul flight and realised there was so many places I wanted to visit! I wanted to start up a Travel Blog mainly as a way of anonymously documenting my travel bucket list. The more years past, the more places I have been lucky enough to visit, but by no means have I 'done it all', every year I am fortunate enough to visit some amazing holiday destinations, and city breaks and I get to share snippets of my journey with you all (which I love doing). Next year I am hoping to continue to get to visit some more great places in this world and share them with you all. I'll admit now finding the time (and extra cash, when you are trying to save up for a house) has been hard this year, and I am sure it'll be no different next year, but I am hoping to tick off at least 3 more places off that bucket list, so please watch this space! (Guess from the photo above where my no 1 place is atm!)  

5. Start reading more books/ Finish ones I have started

Photo Credit: The digital reader

This is something I uses to absolutely LOVE when I used to work less hours and when I wasn't studying etc, and is something I would like to get back into again. I have a Kindle Fire which I got last year for Christmas and have only managed to read 1 book the whole way through, on holiday this year. (That Kindle was a god send on the flight!) I am hoping to download lots more great books and get stuck in next year! 

5. Make more time for ME! 

This last one is a bit selfish, but I feel we all need this one on our lists. Life can be hard and stressful some times, and there seems to always be something else to worry about. I think its time we started enjoying being a bit more carefree and think about ourselves a bit more. I am going to be doing this by using my down time properly, and getting back to the things I enjoy doing (blogging is definitely high on that list!). I have some huge plans for next year, and I cannot wait to share them all with you. 

So there we have a few goals to round up my year! As mentioned earlier I am doing 1 big yearly round up post which will be published on New Years Eve and that will feature my favourite posts from 2016, blogs I have enjoyed reading & more about my future in 2017. Hope you have enjoyed this post.. Thank you all once again for remaining loyal followers to GTG, and all you who have submitted your guest posts to me. I loved them all!!  Merry Christmas all and see you in 2017 for some more Travel fun! 


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